Grr. Looks like the storm we had last night managed to screw up my DSL service. Analog voice is fine, but I can’t get my DSL modem to remain synched long enough to log in, let alone use it. Guess it’s been like that since some time around 2AM (according to my system logs, that’s when errors started showing up). Hopefully this’ll be resolved soon or I’m gonna be a very unhappy camper.
Yeah, so they’ve bumped up the price of pizza at work. For as long as I’ve been working at CRHC, we could get a slice of Papa Del’s on Fridays for a buck. The way this works is corporations give our professors all kinds of money for being cool. One excellent example is Professor Hwu’s IMPACT group (without which Intel wouldn’t have made Itanium). Well, with the economy as it is, the corporate money isn’t flowing like it used to.
So, it looks like 2003 might be the year of the geek. At least as far as movies go. We’ve got the Matrix sequels (Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions). We’ve got the final installment of the LOTR trilogy. We’ve got the third Harry Potter movie. And we’ve got a slew of Marvel comic movies coming out (The Hulk, X-Men 2, Daredevil). Lookin’ pretty sweet if I do say so myself.
A frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links. [Source] Background: A blog is often a mixture of what is happening in a person’s life and what is happening on the Web, a kind of hybrid diary/guide site, although there are as many unique types of blogs as there are people. People maintained blogs long before the term was coined, but the trend gained momentum with the introduction of automated published systems, most notably Blogger at blogger.
A feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction, boredom [Source] Pronunciation: “an-‘wE Function: noun Etymology: French, from Old French _enui _annoyance, from _enuier _to annoy Date: 1732 Scary tidbit: Amanda’s little 8 year old brother BJ used this recently.
So Nick scheduled our first Amalgam meeting of the semester for today. But unfortunately, our meetings are scheduled for right before his class (which he has never taught before). As a result, he ditched our meeting to finish preparing his lecture. Nothing like getting things done early. Anyway, he dropped by around 1/2 hour before the meeting to tell Jeff and me that he wasn’t coming and we should figure out where the project will be around the end of the semester and what conferences we should shoot for.
So Elysium seems to be having more trouble these days. Some games are pretty choppy, just plain refuse to load, etc. Can’t quite decide whether it’s a hardware or software issue. I mean, it’s been a while since I last wiped so that’s a possibility. Also seems there might be some issues with the drivers MS included with XP for my network card. Then there’s the quirks associated with my memory (populating all 3 DIMM slots may not be a Good Thing), and my so-called RAID card (random reboots when the drives get heavily accessed).
Time to try out some things in this new weblog thingamadoo. Can I make links, such as this one to the UCA webpage? Or one to the Amalgam webpage? More importantly, why am I up at this ungodly hour on a Saturday?
So what all is new in my life at the moment: Broke down and bought a Pioneer DVR-105 (4x DVD-R/2x DVD-RW) burner. Now if only I could get media for it… Been enjoying the Back to the Future trilogy on DVD. That DeLorean is SO COOL! Oh, and I’ve finally started work again on AMALSIM. Just committed a whole boatload of changes into the repository. Mmmmm… 64-bit cycle counts.
Got Movable Type up and running. Can now conveniently post my incoherent ramblings for the world to see (and mock).