Apparently the comic Mitch Hedberg died Wednesday, March 30th, 2005. Cause of death was heart failure.
Our kitties are silly! Apparently, one of our fuzzy blankets reminds Spooky an awful lot of his mama, because he’s taken to kneading, suckling, and lapping on it. I was petting him this morning (in an attempt to keep him from completely waking me up) when he started in on the blanket. He had to be going at that thing for at least half an hour. Silly kitty. Even worse… Miss Merry was getting a little old when we adopted her, but I thought vaccinations should be top priority.
Got a couple of song lyrics related websites for you. I rarely have a clue what the artist/author means when they create something, be it abstract painting, poetry, or song lyrics. So I found of some interest. On a related note, have you ever heard little kids singing a song (or the pledge of allegience). As a group, they usually sound about right, but if you listen to them individually, you hear some rather bizarre stuff that sounds about right, but is totally wrong.
So in my Christmas stocking this year I got a Mitch Hedberg CD, Strategic Grill Locations. I’d seen him on Comedy Central some time back and found him absolutely hilarious. He’s got this funny, stoner sort of vibe and just cranks out all sorts of oddball, inane comments that are really entertaining. If you are a follower of my blog, you may have already noticed that I have a number of his quotes that randomly appear in the sidebar.
So last weekend (not yesterday but a week before that) Amanda and I went to Bloomington to meet up with a couple of her friends from work to go see a comedy show. It was held in a dive bar (didn’t seem all that bad by campus bar standards, but it definitely wasn’t a ritzy comedy club either), and featured the Disgruntled Clown. He’s the “ex-ex-stepfather” of one of Amanda’s friends (we’re not quite sure what’s meant by the ex-ex- part… not the last ex-stepfather, but the one before that?
Saw the scariest thing on my drive into work today. Was at a stoplight behind a giant yellow schoolbus… with a big “STUDENT DRIVER” sign on the back. Eek! Watching them try to make a turn didn’t make me ever want to put my kid on a schoolbus. Ever.
So slashdot had an interesting IT review link today: Juvenile felis catus (or “kitten” for you laymen). Full of very cute pictures, a lot of tongue-in-cheek commentary, and links to all sorts of amusing/geeky/just plain weird sites (standard kitten package and CAT Users’ Manual). Oh, and he even provides a convenient summary comparison against competing models (i.e. puppies, babies, or a new video card). Now that Amanda and I have a house, we’ll get to start looking for kittens before long.
Angry Alien has a series of WebToons that are popular movies in 30 seconds… re-enacted by bunnies.
Who can forget the Happy Tree Friends when they’re talking about bizarre little WebToons? The series consists of a bunch of shorts of little cute fuzzy animals meeting their demise in a disturbing manner. Fun for the whole family. I also ran across this site that appeared to have all of the episodes available for convenient viewing (I don’t think the official site has all of the older ones). These toons have even come out on DVD if you can believe it (that’s how I first saw them).
Ok. So I was poking around Gamestop, and ran across this. Can you believe it? For those of you who just couldn’t get enough leather, a leather computer mouse? Anyway, I can’t wait till Doom 3 hits shelves, hopefully tomorrow. Now I just have to wait for Half-Life 2, which looks awesome.