Was just down to the basement in CSL to buy a soda only to find they’ve jacked the 20oz price up to $1.25. Lame. They don’t provide us with free espresso-based beverages, they don’t provide us with a convenient places to buy espresso-based beverages, and now they’re mugging us on the sodas. How are grad students supposed to work into the wee hours without a cheap source of caffeine? :( Might have to just start bringing my own.
I hate stupid people. I can accept that the population at large is generally clueless about all things tech, and so I have a fairly high tolerance level when they do annoying newb things. The people that really tick me off are the ones who are clearly in a technical field (say, a whole bunch of people in academia on a FPGA research/education mailing list), and are clearly clueless about very basic concepts such as email…
Been rather busy lately. Went to my cousin’s wedding 3 weekends ago in Missouri/Kansas. Then flew down to Amanda’s cousin’s wedding in Texas 2 weekends ago. My folks have been visiting this past week and just left on Sunday morning. To top that off, I’ve had some sort of nasty sinus infection for the past week. Next weekend we’re off to Iowa for Amanda’s coworker’s wedding and on the way back I’ll be going to ISCA ‘05 in Wisconsin for a few days.
Looks like Apples’s released Java 1.5 for Tiger. Not quite sure why people aren’t talking about this (was released same day as Tiger’s “official” release date) since a lot of people had mentioned it being present in the Tiger developer test releases and that it was absent from the final version released to the public. Looks like I can finally see about getting Liberty’s LSE up and running on OS X.
Wouldn’t think I’d be complaining about how hot it is in winter. Truth be told, it’s ass cold outside. But when I came into the office today it was close to 90 degrees in there! I’ve propped the door open and tried to get in touch with Dan the friendly building manager guy any way possible. I think they’ve tweaked something since it’s started to come down (about 86 now), but it’s taking a while.
So this update is long overdue. I’ve been really busy recently with… well, life. First there was the big annual ISCA crunch where I helped Jim get his submission from 0 to paper in less than a week. Part of that was help getting him up and running on NCSA’s Itanium-2 cluster (Teragrid) so that he could have results to write about. The other part was helping him get an actual paper together the day of the deadline since Nick was focused on the other project he wanted to submit for.
Got some more info on all of yesterday’s hub-bub. Apparently, one of the Lieberts (air conditioners) blew up in the server room yesterday, spraying cold water everywhere. The admins spent all day yesterday cleaning up the mess (disassembling the servers, cleaning them out, drying everying, testing them, etc). The main servers are all back up as of this morning, so email, home directories, and the firewall are all available again. The bad news is our group fileserver was directly in front of the Liebert when it blew up.
I got an unexpected day off today. Things were all hunky dorey this morning, but then around 11 something happened. I’m not entirely clear on what. Sounded like someone was doing some sort of maintenance work down in the basement, something went boom, and several fire sprinklers went off in the machine room. Needless to say, the admins quickly shut everything down and went about cleaning up the mess, drying out all the computers and trying to get everything shifted over to another room.
Derek brain stopped. Derek need lunch. Derek need talk in third person. Derek should be president. Derek tired.