Amanda was telling me that the mayor of Detroit (who’s apparently assisted in creating a 300 million dollar deficit) has proposed an additional tax on fast-food to help fill the city’s coffers. Guess this is a strategic move since Detroit’s ranked third on the list of “fattest cities” (following Houston and Chicago)… On a related note, I saw this other article at CNN about a restaurant that’s started selling a 15-pound burger!
Looks like Tiger’s new Dashboard could use some refinement when it comes to security. Looks like it’s pretty trivial to make a user auto-download a widget when they visit a webpage in Safari, it’ll then auto-install if they’re using the default Safari settings, and then they’ll be running a potentially very obnoxious (and possibly even malicious) widget that’s impossible for average Joe user to remove. With any luck they’ll refine this a bit in 10.
Saw Power Tool Drag Racing recently on the Discovery Channel late at night.
Looks like Apples’s released Java 1.5 for Tiger. Not quite sure why people aren’t talking about this (was released same day as Tiger’s “official” release date) since a lot of people had mentioned it being present in the Tiger developer test releases and that it was absent from the final version released to the public. Looks like I can finally see about getting Liberty’s LSE up and running on OS X.
Looks like there’s a new version of Adium X out. Looks like there’s all sorts of new stuff in this release: Adium 0.80 brings a completely new status system with available messages and invisibility on supported protocols, built-in secure encrypted messaging via Off-the-Record Messaging, the long-awaited file transfer progress interface, customizable built-in Growl notification system support, blocking, customizable service and status icons, full OS X 10.4 compatibility, and much, much more.
Saw this Slashdot post. A student at CMU made a website parodying the Wal-Mart Foundation (a thinly veiled attempt to improve the parent corp’s public image through small scattered donations) for a class on “Parasitic Media”. Guess Wal-Mart didn’t take too kindly to how they were portrayed, so they whipped out that horrendous piece of legeslation, the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA). The DMCA’s a vague wording allows large corporations with lots of cash to easily threaten things they don’t like.
Talked about this earlier. Managed to take some more pictures today and actually load them onto my computer (as opposed to deleting them accidently again. In addition to Optimus Prime, there were several milk carton people (only took a picture of one, but may go back for more later), a giant fork (didn’t take a picture because I wasn’t as enthralled by it, and it looked like it was slightly broken), a burning foosball player, and a really bizarre one involving a giant beetle pushing a dirt clod with a human fetus inside.
Finally got around to loading up some of my older kitty pics that were on my other camera. They start off with Spooky attacking Space Chicken when he was a little bitty kitten, and moves on to the cats playing with each other and a box. On a related note, I did take my camera in to work today, and I did take pictures of the cardboard sculptures in Beckman. Unfortunately, when I went to download them onto my computer I accidently deleted them instead of downloading them (bit of a usability issue with Picasa IMHO).
Looks like the trailer for Joss Whedon’s Serenity (based on the series Firefly) is finally online! Looks pretty tight. How am I gonna make it till September 30th when it’s finally released? Makes me want to go back and rewatch the show again.
So there’s this art class on campus that does fairly large sculptures out of cardboard. At the end of the semester, the students showcase their work out on the quad and apparently other places on campus. Saw the coolest (read: geekiest) one today in the main atrium/lobby in Beckman… a 10 foot tall Optimus Prime!!! That thing rules! I’m gonna have to try to remember to bring a camera with me tomorrow to document it.