So in my Christmas stocking this year I got a Mitch Hedberg CD, Strategic Grill Locations. I’d seen him on Comedy Central some time back and found him absolutely hilarious. He’s got this funny, stoner sort of vibe and just cranks out all sorts of oddball, inane comments that are really entertaining. If you are a follower of my blog, you may have already noticed that I have a number of his quotes that randomly appear in the sidebar.
We adopted our second kitty this past Sunday. He is an adorable 8-week old black and white kitten. He’s predominantly black with a little white stripe down his nose, a white chin and tummy, and white paws. As per the suggestion of his previous home (one of Amanda’s co-workers), we’ve decided to call him Spooky. I kept thinking of the X-Files (Fox “Spooky” Mulder), and he seems to spook pretty easily for a kitty as curious and fearless as he appears to be.
Had a good Christmas this year. My folks came up the Tuesday before XMas and stayed at the new house till they left this past Sunday (ie Amanda and I ran out and bought a 2nd bed the weekend before they got here). Had a pretty good visit with them and got a chance to get my Dad’s input on some household projects. We opened our presents to each other (Amanda, my folks, and myself) Christmas Eve… my folks and Amanda liked the panoramic photos I got from LaPayne Photography (thanks Rachel!
Decided to make a new header graphic yesterday. Figured the Matrix-esque binary conflicted a bit with the title “Pondering Dragonflies”… especially since I’m using the header graphic throughout the site and not just on the blog, and the site’s named Malkier. So what better to catch the essence of something like Malkier? An old castle of course! Dug through some of my Ireland photos and came up with that pic of Blarney castle.
So last weekend (not yesterday but a week before that) Amanda and I went to Bloomington to meet up with a couple of her friends from work to go see a comedy show. It was held in a dive bar (didn’t seem all that bad by campus bar standards, but it definitely wasn’t a ritzy comedy club either), and featured the Disgruntled Clown. He’s the “ex-ex-stepfather” of one of Amanda’s friends (we’re not quite sure what’s meant by the ex-ex- part… not the last ex-stepfather, but the one before that?
So it seems LBB (that’s Little Boy Blazejack) has finally come into his own. If you don’t know him, he’s the “little” brother of someone I went to high school with. Those of us who knew him always wondered if he would eventually find himself gainfully employed and at the same time doing something he enjoyed. Last I knew, I think he was getting ready to graduate from the University of Hawaii with a major in photojournalism.
Well, I finally broke down and bought myself a photo printer. I’d been surviving until recently with a close to 10 year old, increasingly finicky laser printer. It’s served me well, but I’ve had paper feed issues with it for quite some time (ie years) and have been somewhat limited by its inability to make pretty color prints and its dismal speed (did I mention it was an old parallel port model).
So Lego’s working on a video game set in the Lego Star Wars universe (ie Star Wars setting, but stuff is built out of Legos). They have some coverage over at Gamespot, including screenshots. Looks like it should be a pretty cute game, and the initial hands-on demo is impressive.
So this update is long overdue. I’ve been really busy recently with… well, life. First there was the big annual ISCA crunch where I helped Jim get his submission from 0 to paper in less than a week. Part of that was help getting him up and running on NCSA’s Itanium-2 cluster (Teragrid) so that he could have results to write about. The other part was helping him get an actual paper together the day of the deadline since Nick was focused on the other project he wanted to submit for.
Firefox made it’s 1.0 release yesterday. If you haven’t tried this attractive alternative to IE, go do so now! It’s substantially faster than old Mozilla/Netscape, standards compliant (unlike IE), less likely to allow your machine to be filled with spyware (unlike IE), has all sorts of cool extensions to add additional functionality (even redefine existing functionality)… oh and it won’t give you the plague either (unlike IE)! ;) It’s just dripping in plague juice!