Got some more info on all of yesterday’s hub-bub. Apparently, one of the Lieberts (air conditioners) blew up in the server room yesterday, spraying cold water everywhere. The admins spent all day yesterday cleaning up the mess (disassembling the servers, cleaning them out, drying everying, testing them, etc). The main servers are all back up as of this morning, so email, home directories, and the firewall are all available again. The bad news is our group fileserver was directly in front of the Liebert when it blew up.
I got an unexpected day off today. Things were all hunky dorey this morning, but then around 11 something happened. I’m not entirely clear on what. Sounded like someone was doing some sort of maintenance work down in the basement, something went boom, and several fire sprinklers went off in the machine room. Needless to say, the admins quickly shut everything down and went about cleaning up the mess, drying out all the computers and trying to get everything shifted over to another room.
Just saw a trailer for The Grudge with SMG. Looks excellently creepy! Man. I’m gonna have to go see that. Makes me want to go watch The Ring, another creepy Japanese movie remake (haven’t actually gotten around to seeing it yet, just heard about it).
So everyone’s been raving about this thing. Essentially, it’s a big online, social bookmarking site. You set up an account, add your bookmarks to it, and categorize them with tags of your choosing (i.e. instead of simple folders, you can associate a link with tags “programming” and “C” so that you can access it when you click on either the programming or C categories). Social aspect comes into play when you look at who else has posted a given bookmark, or who else has posted stuff in a given category, or what the most popular links of the day are, etc etc etc.
Saw the scariest thing on my drive into work today. Was at a stoplight behind a giant yellow schoolbus… with a big “STUDENT DRIVER” sign on the back. Eek! Watching them try to make a turn didn’t make me ever want to put my kid on a schoolbus. Ever.
Amanda and I have been pretty busy since we closed on the house. We’ve looked at flooring some, and I’ve started the ball rolling on fixing the windows (several of the double panes had broken seals). We’ve also done a fair bit of painting, sanding, staining, sealing, spackling, de-wallpapering, cleaning, landscaping… I’ve been trying to keep a pretty good photo log of our progress over in the gallery. Basically, I’ve got a full tour of the house as it was at closing, and then a separate album tracking our progress in each room.
So slashdot had an interesting IT review link today: Juvenile felis catus (or “kitten” for you laymen). Full of very cute pictures, a lot of tongue-in-cheek commentary, and links to all sorts of amusing/geeky/just plain weird sites (standard kitten package and CAT Users’ Manual). Oh, and he even provides a convenient summary comparison against competing models (i.e. puppies, babies, or a new video card). Now that Amanda and I have a house, we’ll get to start looking for kittens before long.
So, Amanda and I closed on the new house yesterday morning. We’re already starting to feel like homeowners. And by that, I mean we’ve already started tearing the place apart. :) For those that are interested, I’ve got some pictures up over in the gallery (taken with the new Digital Rebel).
So what’ve I been up to recently… I’ve been adventuring in the Kingdom… The Kingom of Loathing that is.
So, I’ve finally gotten around to working on a custom header image for my blog. Not sure that I’m quite happy with it yet, but I like the feel of it better than the default that came with Kubrick. One of the flowers Amanda painted for our wedding invitations was the inspiration… but I think it may be a bit too girly. Will have to see what I think after a bit more time.