Well, as you probably could have guessed by the lack of posts, I’ve been quite busy this summer. Submitted a paper to HPCA (International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture for those not in the know). Crossing my fingers that it gets accepted because I’ve been working my ass off for it, and it would be cool for my work to appear in a big conference like HPCA, and hella cool to get to go to Madrid to present it.
So I ran across this site (audioscrobbler.com) that seems kinda cool. The idea is you create an account, install a plugin for your favorite MP3 player software (be it Winamp, XMMS, SLIMP3, etc etc). This thing then aims to track your listening habits/preferences. In theory, after you’ve listened to enough (200 songs I think), it starts suggesting other artists based on your preferences and the preferences of other users who have similar interests.
I saw an interesting bicycle while riding the bus today. It was one of those bicycles built for two. While those are unusual, I have never seen one quite like this. The front half of the bike was clearly designed for an adult rider, but the back half appeared to be intended for someone much shorter. I’m not sure if the back half is intended for a child or just someone of shorter than usual stature since it only had a full-sized rider up front when I saw it.
I’ve decided to add a new category to my blog… I call it “On the bus.” It’s essentially a collection of experiences that I’ve had riding the bus to campus. I’ve had a few experiences in the past week that seemed to warrant mention here, so I thought it seemed appropriate to add a new category for this type of rambling.
Finished the final touches on my MSE paper and uploaded it to their server. I already faxed over the copyright form, so I should be good to go to head out to Anaheim in June. Pretty sweet. I’ve got postscript and pdf versions of the paper ready to go up on my work page whenever I decide it’s appropriate to be publicly available. The conference should prove interesting seeing as it falls smack between the abstract and paper deadlines for MICRO… Hopefully I’ll be in a position to worry about it at that point instead of still debugging the local data caches and getting more benchmarks up and running.
There is a test for Buffy (probably more than one, but this is the first one I found). You are Xander “Cavalry’s here! Cavalry’s a frightened guy with a rock, but it’s here!” What “Buffy” Character Are You?
Hmm. In the same spirit as the tests at Fuali.com, I ran across this one for the show Sliders. Man that was a good show. Wish I had Sci-Fi so I could watch it. Been looking around the net some, and it sounds like they’re slated to release the first season on DVD in April… That would be pretty cool. Haven’t seen that show in ages. Oh yeah, my test results for Sliders:
Finally got around to setting up dual-head on Sulaco. I now have the GeForce 4 MX driving my 21" Hitachi and my old Matrox Millenium driving the Dell 15" LCD. Sweet! Perhaps I’ll take a pic at some point to show it off.
Today marks the one year anniversary of the day I broke my leg. Now for a moment of silence.
From the novel “Stranger in a Strange Land”, by Robert A. Heinlein, where it is a Martian word meaning literally “to drink” and metaphorically “to be one with”. [Source] To understand, usually in a global sense. Connotes intimate and exhaustive knowledge. Contrast zen, which is similar supernal understanding experienced as a single brief flash. See also glark. Used of programs, may connote merely sufficient understanding. “Almost all C compilers grok the “void” type these days.