We’ve been here in Alabama for 2 weeks now. Things seem to be going pretty well so far. We somehow survived the move and I don’t think left anything too critical behind. The truck full of half our stuff (and pulling the Civic), the CRV full of cats and guitars, and all the occupants got down here safely and relatively uneventfully. The POD full of the other half of our stuff arrived this past Thursday and we’re slowly working on unloading it.
Apparently it’s been a busy week for my flickr photos. I’ve had two that were selected for inclusion in various web things. First, one of my Ireland honeymoon photos was selected for inclusion in Schmap Dublin Third Edition (check out Literary Dublin: Trinity College). Oddly enough, it was a photo I took while we were wandering around Trinity College. Here’s a little descriptive blurb from their website: Exploring a Schmap Guide is a uniquely interactive experience: maps and guide content are dynamically integrated, allowing intuitive, real-time access to reviews and photo slideshows for places of interest.
Amanda and I are buying a new house. In a land far far from CU… Huntsville, AL to be exact… or technically Madison, AL to be even more exact (suburb to the west of Huntsville). No, Derek didn’t graduate. While one could ask “why is he leaving sans-degree”, a better question might be “why is he referring to himself in the third person?” To put it simply, I just got fed up with how things have been going (or not going to be more precise) and decided it was time for a change.
Your Movie Buff Quotient: 88% You are a movie buff of the most obsessive variety. If a movie exists, chances are that you’ve seen it. You’re an expert on movie facts and trivia. It’s hard to stump you with a question about film. Are You a Movie Buff? Response from anyone who knows me: well, duh. of course you’re a movie geek.
There’s been a fair bit of hubbub about the social network/micro-blog services twitter and most recently pownce. twitter is a bit of an interesting concept as it boils down to very short (less than 140 characters), text-only posts about what you’re up to. You can post updates in a variety of ways (web, email, im, sms message via cell, desktop client) and receive updates from your circle of twittery friends in a similar way (web, email, im, sms, desktop client, or rss feed).
Main Entry: meme Pronunciation: \ˈmēm\ Function: noun Etymology: alteration of mimeme, from mim- (as in mimesis) + -eme Date: 1976 1 : an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture [Source]
Kait (aka student dr. blaze) pinged me for an internet meme she filled out. Since I’m not sure I know many people with blogs, I suppose I’ll have to tap Richy and see if he’ll fill it out and pass it on. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? No WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Saturday DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Yes, but I wish I could find a pen I like that’d allow me to write even smaller while maintaining legibility WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT?
I’m not sure how to describe Joost aside from on-demand, internet tv clips from the crew that put together Skype and Kazaa. A while back I managed to land an invite from Joost for their private beta test, and have enjoyed running it on my Macbook Pro (they support Windows and Intel Macs at this point). Very little lag when you first fire up a program, and haven’t had any issues once a show starts.
So the Simpsons are headed for movie theaters everywhere toward the end of the month. Supposedly it’s good, but I think I’ll wait for the rental. What prompts me to write this post however is one of the features available on the movie website… create your own Simpsons avatar! Reasonably well done Flash affair where you select body type, hairstyle, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, etc. There’s of course only a limited number of each of these, but you can achieve a fairly reasonable likeness and save it out as a jpeg.
Three years ago yesterday, Amanda and I were married in the walled garden in Allerton Park. To celebrate, I made dinner and dessert (many thanks to Giada De Laurentiis of Food Network’s Everyday Italian for the tastyness): Fiery Angel Hair Pasta (added some chicken cooked in some of the chili oil) Raspberry Cream Cupcakes (decided to do a combo of raspberries and strawberries)