
April 21, 2004

So every so often I’ll read through some of the stuff at SysadminCo. It’s a collection of stupid user questions and such send to the sysadmins at some ISP. They have some entertaining stuff sometimes, and have an amusing shell-like interface. Anyway, as I was skimming a bit today, I ran across this one techism that I got a kick out of.

3dprinting12 alabama7 amalgam4 android2 apple21 auto6 blog24 cat-diary5 cats18 chicago3 college18 comparch5 cooking2 define30 film19 gaming37 georgia2 halloween2 hosting13 hpc11 hugo3 humor35 huntsville5 illinois37 ios2 ireland3 kids5 meme5 monte-sano2 music23 photography35 politics2 programming11 pumpkins2 raid6 rants19 reading25 research11 snow6 sysadmin18 tales-of-the-weird14 tech54 tennessee2 travel11 video8 work29