Adios, GoDaddy!

December 23, 2011

I’ve been meaning to do this for a long time, but I’m finally doing it. When I first got into having a website, I’d registered my domain name with GoDaddy based on some recommendations at the time. Since then, I’ve seen a lot of reasons to move away from them, but never quite got around to it. But their support for SOPA has finally pushed me to transfer my domains elsewhere. For now, I’ve moved most of my domains over to Namecheap and the ones I couldn’t over to I’m sure GoDaddy doesn’t really give a rip that I’m leaving (since I only had a few domains with them), but their support of SOPA has prompted others to move 100s of domains elsewhere and some big clients to threaten to move 100s to 1000s more if they don’t change their stance on this lousy piece of proposed legislation (e.g., see this Reddit thread.

Here’s some more sample coverage on SOPA:

On an happier and only tangentially related note (GoDaddy - Go = Daddy), anyone who actually reads my excuse for a blog has probably noticed the complete lack of updates in over a year. Turns out being a Dad pretty effectively consumes all of your time, especially if you’re trying to keep up with Addy.

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