Day 746 of my captivity. My captors continued to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while I am forced to eat dry cereal. The only thing that keeps me going is the hope of escape, and the mild satisfaction I get from clawing the furniture. Tomorrow I may eat another house plant. Today my attempt to kill my captors by weaving around their feet while they were walking almost succeeded.
I’ve been expecting to hear this for a while, but it’s still a bummer to find out that The Reputation have officially broken up. In Elizabeth’s words: As I’m guessing many of you have already figured out, the band is over. Sean quit. Rest of us just gave up, I guess. I don’t currently have plans to do any more music or play any more shows. Breaks my fucking heart.
Have some pics up from my trip to the bay area up at Flickr: Was a good trip overall. Real good to see Richy and Carrie and get to hang out with them some and see some sights. Got up to the Golden Gate bridge, although didn’t see that much since it was really foggy. Headed down to the Fisherman’s Wharf and wandered around there for a while checking out the sea lions and Ghirardelli and such.
So life has been pretty… something recently. Too much going on and not quite enough sanity to go around. Fortunately, I get to head out to San Jose this Sunday to visit with Rich and Carrie… oh yeah and go to ASPLOS (Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems). Looks like it should be an interesting conference and the best part is I don’t have to foot the bill. :)
Rachel came down to visit this past weekend and we caught the show at the Courtyard Cafe Saturday night. I was really wanting to catch Elizabeth Elmore again with the rest of her band, The Reputation, and had heard they were to go on third which in theory would be around 10:30. Not wanting to miss them, I figured we should get there by 10 just to be sure, and probably got there a fair bit before that since we caught the tail end of the first act, Judah Johnson.
I’ve been looking forward to it for a few weeks since I read about it, and managed to catch Elizabeth Elmore playing solo at the Courtyard Cafe in the Union. Free show no less. There were pretty clearly only a handful of people that were explicitly there to attend the show and an assortment of others that were there just eating their lunch or studying or what-not. Good show though. Just her and her electric (Gibson SG I believe).
… to the bikini. Or at least that’s what I saw on the news this morning. Guess it must have been a slow news day with all the terror threats about flights from the UK heading to the US and all. Or maybe that was just one of those silly morning shows I caught and not really the news… The bikini’s been around for 60 years, although I guess it really made it’s debut back in Paris on July 5, 1946 and was invented in May of that year.
Main Entry: de·noue·ment Variant(s): also dé·noue·ment Prounciation: /“dA-“nü-‘män, dA-’nü-”/ Function: noun Etymology: French _dénouement, _literally, untying, from Middle French _desnouement, _from _desnouer _to untie, from Old French _desnoer, _from _des- _de- + _noer _to tie, from Latin _nodare, _from _nodus _knot 1 : the final outcome of the main dramatic complication in a literary work 2 : the outcome of a complex sequence of events [Source]
Main Entry: jux·ta·po·si·tion Pronunciation: “j&k-st;&-p&-‘zi-sh&n; Function: noun Etymology: Latin _juxta _near + English position – more at joust 1 : the act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side [Source]
Main Entry: pur·ga·tion Pronunciation: “p&r-;‘gA-sh&n; Function: noun 1 : the act or result of purging [Source]