Mmmm. Wood floors. Got solid oak installed downstairs over the past couple of days. Really looks outstanding. I’ve got a bunch of pics up at the usual place, but they simply don’t do it justice. If you have a chance to come see, do so! :) Got an estimate for putting ceramic tile in the kitchen and bathrooms, and replacing the rest of the carpet (stairs and upstairs hall/bedrooms) with new carpet.
Making progress again on the house (and remembered to bring my camera again too). A bunch of the double-paned windows that had broken seals were replaced on Tuesday (turns out some of the remaining windows were misordered and the sliding glass door is on backorder). Big improvement on the ones that have been replaced though. Will actually be able to look out the windows now. Got the light green paint up on two of the walls in the dining room (but not the overhang near the cathedral ceiling), gold along the north wall with the big picture window in the living room and the sliding glass door in the dining room that leads to the deck.
So apparently Dell is now shipping a 20" widescreen LCD ala the Apple Cinema dispay. Looks like it’s got pretty sweet specs in addition to being priced several hundred less than Apple’s. Now if only Dell would have some outrageous deal on it. :) 1680x1050 resolution 16:10 aspect ratio 16ms refresh (12ms gray-to-gray) 600:1 contrast ratio 300cd/m2 brightness analog (VGA) and digital (DVI) inputs, as well as video inputs for S-video and composite connections Picture-in-Picture and picture-by-picture support four USB2.
Saw this post over at Gizmodo. I only wish the election turned out this way.
Hypo-allergenic cats! That’s awesome! Too bad the kittens won’t hit market till 2007 and they’re going to start out at $3500. Yay for creepy science!
So I’ve been drooling over new MP3 players recently. There’s been all sorts of activity in iPod-land. You’ve got the 4th gen iPods that bump battery life up to ~12 hours per charge. You’ve got the U2 Special Edition iPod that comes in a snazzy black color scheme with a sharply contrasting red click-wheel, band member autographs engraved on the back, and a $50 iTunes coupon good toward the purchase of “The Complete U2” (I’m guessing that only partially covers the price of admission, and isn’t all that great a deal since they’ve bumped up the price of the unit by $50).
So, I’ve decided to try out a new header image. Last one was a bit too girly. The new one’s not quite as “artsy,” but it’s definitely a bit manly-er (is that even a word?) and a whole lot geekier.
Saw an interesting CPU-related post over at /.. There’s a good article over at Anandtech summarizing what’s currently known about near-term dual-core CPUs, along with some of their predictions.
Ok. Ran across this weird site this morning when I was perusing suprnova. The link is Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. Some sort of perverse instructional site. Well, you’d be right, but it’s probably not exactly what you’ve got in mind. Apparently, they’ve got a few bikini models who will do a variety of instructional videos (the episode that’s currently available is titled “Intro to Bikini Calculus”). So it’s really more of a bunch of girls doing “how-to (do)” videos instead of “how-to-do-girls” videos… Weird.
So it seems some of the spammers have picked up on my blog for some reason. I’ve started receiving a lot of very spammy comments as of recent (ie one “person” slowly iterating over all blog posts starting at #1, each post being largely nonsense but containing a gambling link in the homepage section). So I’ve turned on comment moderation for anything phishy. With any luck this will at least prevent anything from ever showing up on the blog itself, but it still means I’ll get alerts about them (which I may eventually turn off if it grows to frequent) and have to go through and clear them out every so often.