Wouldn’t think I’d be complaining about how hot it is in winter. Truth be told, it’s ass cold outside. But when I came into the office today it was close to 90 degrees in there! I’ve propped the door open and tried to get in touch with Dan the friendly building manager guy any way possible. I think they’ve tweaked something since it’s started to come down (about 86 now), but it’s taking a while.
Don’t know what made me think of it this morning, but I was remembering something my first programming teacher said. He was teaching a course in introductory C programming for engineering applications and we were using gcc as our compiler. At the time, he claimed GCC stood for Good C Compiler. Seems pretty suspect since the gcc most everyone knows is actually the GNU C Compiler since it’s been developed by the GNU organization which was founded back in 1984 (although the first release of gcc wasn’t until 1987, but that was long before I took this course).
Function: noun 1 : the flinging of a corrosive substance (e.g. sulphuric acid) at the face of an enemy with intent to disfigure or maim Ran across this in the book I’m currently reading, The Difference Engine.
Pronunciation: (")dE-“fe-n&-‘strA-sh&n Function: noun Etymology: _de- _+ Latin _fenestra _window 1 : a throwing of a person or thing out of a window de·fen·es·trate /(")dE-‘fe-n&-“strAt/ transitive verb For some reason, this word apparently came up in conversation over at the Buck house…
I’ve switched IM clients already. Fire just wasn’t as featureful/configurable as I would like, so I’ve started using Adium X. Got Firefox for the pages that don’t work right in Safari. Fink of course for additional Unix goodies (mostly extra compilation stuff). SSHKeychain provides a convenient interface to ssh-agent and simplifies key management. DoubleCommand lets me remap some keys (ie I can make my Ctrl key act like an Apple Command key), and the next version should differentiate between left and right keys allowing me to have both a Ctrl and a Command key (since Ctrl is sorta essential for emacs).
So the pages feature looks like it’ll be pretty slick. I’ve managed to set up the main frontpage for the site so that it loads up the page I created inside of WP. I’m not sure it’s the most efficient way to do it, but it does work. Definitely looks like WP is well on it’s way to being a fairly complete CMS (content management system). Will have to see if I can differentiate between blog pages and normal content pages so that I can have a reduced sidebar for all things not blog.
As you may notice, I’m in the middle of upgrading my WordPress install for the blog. I thought I’d gotten the key stuff translated over to the new setup, so I switched over to the new stuff. While my blog looks mostly right (sans access buttons in the header), I’d forgotten that a lot of the rest of my site was using chunks of old blog code for their appearance. Hence, when I swapped them out, the rest of the stuff tanked.
Slowly making progress on the transition to 1.5. You’ll note I sorta have the links back up in the header, but they aren’t formatted like the rest of the site quite yet… And I still need to integrate the rest of the site with the new theme code instead of having to keep around the old blog code. I’ve made a mock-up of the malkier frontpage that you can see here.
Our kitties are silly! Apparently, one of our fuzzy blankets reminds Spooky an awful lot of his mama, because he’s taken to kneading, suckling, and lapping on it. I was petting him this morning (in an attempt to keep him from completely waking me up) when he started in on the blanket. He had to be going at that thing for at least half an hour. Silly kitty. Even worse… Miss Merry was getting a little old when we adopted her, but I thought vaccinations should be top priority.
I’ve had the mini for a couple of days now, and so far I have to say I’m impressed. Cute little box and so far I’ve largely been impressed with the speed and “fluidity” of it. OS X seems awful slick so far, barring the inevitable learning curve. In fairly short order I’d found the Terminal and was greeted with a familiar bash prompt and even things like emacs (text-only) and ssh out of the box.